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Discord Wont Download Bad Gateway

Discord DOWN: Server status latest, Cloudflare 502 bad gateway errors hit internet website (Pic: Daily Star)

Awaiting with bated breath for explanations as to what happened, but it looks as though most if not all services have returned to normal.

Cloudflare's server status page just this second dropped another update on the server issues impacting the service.

It does seem like the majority of issues are now working, but there's always likeyl to be some kinks in the road.

Here's the latst info direct from Cloudflare:

Update - Cloudflare has implemented a fix for this issue and is currently monitoring the results.

Description: Major outage impacted all Cloudflare services globally. We saw a massive spike in CPU that caused primary and secondary systems to fall over. We shut down the process that was causing the CPU spike. Service restored to normal within ~30 minutes. We're now investigating the root cause of what happened.

Elsewhere, Cloudflare Co-founder and CEO Matthew Prince posted on Twitter: Aware of major Cloudflare issues impacting us network wide. Team is working on getting to the bottom of what's going on. Will continue to update."

Stay tuned for more details and updates.

Another Cloudflare update for you. The server status webpage now states that the company has implemented a fix for today's issues. Although, again it's not clear if all problems have been fixed or what the initial problem was.

Here's the official Cloudflare line:

"Monitoring - Cloudflare has implemented a fix for this issue and is currently monitoring the results. We will update the status once the issue is resolved."

Most users are reporting issues with Discord, receiving a 502 bad gateway error message, but the issues might actually not be Discord related.

For those unaware, Cloudflare is one of the biggest networks on the internet, with several companies relying on Cloudflare to help deliver content and network services.

Over on Cloudflares own server status page - - there's a warning for a Network Performance issue, with the following message:

"Investigating - Cloudflare is observing network performance issues. Customers may be experiencing 502 errors while accessing sites on Cloudflare."

"We are working to mitigate impact to Internet users in this region."

Stay tuned for more details.

Original Story - Discord down reports has shot up in the last 10 minutes with severe server connection issues affecting thousands of users across the many servers used to host chat groups.

Independent outage monitor Down Detector would normally be our go to website to check for outages across the internet, but even that is struggling at the moment. showing a 404 error.

Last week major issues with Verizon caused widespread outages across the internet. Although at this moment in time it's unclear if the same thing is happening.

Naturally, as these Discord issues began users took to another social networking site, Twitter, to report server problems.

One user, @Lucas7yoshi, who we normally turn to for Fortnite news, is reporting the issues as being Cloudflare related, writing:

"TL;DR: Cloudflare is a caching and anti ddos service and a MASSIVE amount of sites use it. Sites that use their own caching networks are not affected but for example discord ded and millions of other sites are"

We're mates with Cloudflare now so we'll drop them a message and find out whats going on...

Over on the official Discord twitter account, the issues have once again been acknowledged, writing back to one user:

"I'm sorry for the trouble! The team is looking into what's going on with the connection. Thanks for your patience!"

This is a breaking story stand by for more details.


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